Bouncer -Tokyo Fist-, a gripping crime drama written and illustrated by Makoto Mizuta, is debuting on Emaqi this week, Orange, Inc.‘s digital storefront. The story follows 19-year-old Joichiro Shishido, a delinquent who fights to rebuild his life after losing 26 temp jobs due to his blunt temperament and lack of patience.
First published by Akita Publishing Co. Ltd., Bouncer -Tokyo Fist- brings gritty storytelling and mature themes to fans of the seinen demographic. Mizuta’s dynamic artwork and fast-paced storytelling pull manga readers into the series’ high-risk world, where survival demands resilience and self-discovery. Moreover, Mizuta delivers an action-packed narrative filled with themes of redemption, identity and the harsh realities of surviving as an adult.
Readers will get to know the late bloomer Joichiro as he dramatically transforms his aimless existence after joining Tokyo Fist, a private security firm that keeps the night streets safe. Joichiro’s growth as he’s thrust into life’s “boot camp” with tough-as-nails colleagues comes amidst intense fights, moral dilemmas and friendships forged through adversity.
Crime drama enthusiasts will find a lot to enjoy as they delve into the world of Bouncer -Tokyo Fist-, and follow Joichiro’s journey from aimless delinquent to determined bodyguard. Volume 1 is currently available to read for free on Emaqi.
Source: Emaqi